Candela Laser Head Ceramic Cavity
Physical properties
* Color: White* Thermal expansion coefficient 200-500C, 10-6/C: 7.9 200-1000C, 10-6/C:9.0
Main features:
1. Dimensional tolerance in height direction can achieve tolerance ≤1.0mm, other dimensional tolerances can reach ≤0.5mm
2. The surface is fully glazed to achieve maximum reflectivity and easy to clean
3. The reflectivity reaches 97% at the wavelength of 600-1000nm
4. The reflectivity exceeds 95% in the wavelength range of 380-1100nm
5. The body has proper porous and high strength characteristics
Name: Jake Wang
Mobile:+86 16725261381
Add:Pingming Town Resident Industrial Park, Donghai County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province